Friday, March 23, 2007


Beginnings are such fragile times.

Well, re-beginnings in this case. I've tried keeping a journal in the past, and usually give it up in favor of other forms of writing. Nothing against keeping a journal, mind you. I just do a lousy job of it. Too many distractions, too many other things to write or do. But maybe the Nth time is the charm.

I'm a nerd. Or a geek. Or insert the hijacked term of your choice. (If calling these hijacked terms comes as a surprise to you, try looking up "geek" in the OED. It's a fun read.) Also insert stereotyped image of your choice at this point as well. I have no fashion sense, I'm shy in public, I'd rather read instead of partaaaay, and yes, I dink around with computers and little mechanical bits all the time. About the only nerdisms that don't apply are the taped horn-rimmed glasses (I only wear glasses for close-up work) and pocket protectors (only two of my shirts have pockets at all.) But I do have fun at what I do. There's no other reason for it. If you have fun doing the things I do, read on.
