But I ran into a couple of problems, if you can call them that...
The first is that I do get fuzzy images. I need to work on my shutter technique. I'm either firing while the camera is still swinging from the last move, or I'm not giving it a chance to focus and lock. I know, I know, I'm essentially at infinity. But to be honest I'm not. Much of what I did today was vertical panoramas, so I was focusing at everything from my altitude (sometimes less than 50') out to infinity, and several spots in-between. I know the A650 IS can focus at distances longer than 50', so it's shifting focus for each exposure. I need to find a real fix for this.
The other problem is that I came home with 247 images, 99% of which are elements in a panorama. Stitching just one pano takes roughly an hour. I recorded something like thirty sequences. Autostitch makes no provisions for scripting. Autopano Pro does. I'm leaning toward a license for Autopano Pro more and more every day. This is drudgery. How nice would it be to leave the machine cranking all night and have a whole slew of panoramas ready to go in the morning? As it is, it'll take all week.
Which is fine by me. I'd rather have editing to look forward to between sessions than a dry well. In any case the batteries are charged, the bag is re-packed, and if the weather is nice tomorrow I'll be hiking up Pu`u Wa Wa with some friends in the morning.
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