Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Diversion

Well that was short-lived! I sold another picture on Etsy, so I think I'll be keeping that gallery around after all. And I should probably do it the courtesy of adding some of the images I took during the World Wide KAP Weekend 2008. A couple of them turned out pretty well!

But something else is rearing its head, and I really can't ignore it. I've had three story ideas I've been tossing around for years, and I really really got the urge to start working on one of them in earnest. I'm grimacing as I write this, but the catalyst was watching Eragon.

I didn't finish the book when I first started it a few years ago. My wife did. When she saw the movie she was... well... unhappy is probably a kind term to use, but it applies. When she consented to watch it again with me, she admitted the movie really did an ok job of taking a long book and turning it into a 120 page story. (I have strong opinions on screenplays derived from novels, and tend to side with the screenplay writer. Have you ever tried to compact a 700+ page book into 120 pages of dialog? Give it a try some time. It's not trivial.)

One of the characters was just a little too close in temperament to one of the ones in my story. It really struck a chord. I have to get back on the story!

So I may be writing a little more in the evenings, and doing a little less of photography marketing. This is probably to my overall detriment since I'm not an accomplished writer, and have nowhere near the experience of Christopher Paolini. But the only way to get experience is to undertake the task. If he can, I can. Even if the story is only ever heard or read by my kids, that's fine. It's a story I will have passed on to brighten someone else's day.

I'm looking forward to it!


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