Saturday, January 19, 2008

I Conclude: I Am Boring

I'm not grousing. Far be it. Truth be told I'm smiling as I write this. But I have come to the conclusion that I'm boring. I don't know how many posts I've made, and I have zero comments from anyone. So what other conclusion can I draw? All the evidence points to it: I'm the only one who reads what I write.

Ah well. In a way it's no big disappointment. I'm writing this more as a personal journal than as any sort of "message". After all, I don't write about much that's profound. Kites? Photography? Machining? Robotics? These are all my interests and how I choose to spend my time. It would be arrogant indeed if I thought others should share my interests. So it really doesn't surprise me that no one appears to be reading what I write. As I'm fond of saying, it's all good.

But if you are reading this, do me a favor and drop me a line so I know. (And if you have any really stable kites to suggest for high wind, let me know!)



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